Some Changes Made.

 Hey everybody.
I've been a busy boy lately. Some of you may be aware that my days as a music retailer are going to be over in 4 days. After 10 years of it i'm ready for a change I tell ya!!
If you see someone in Bourke Street Mall that looks like me, singing and playing...guess what...YEP!!! And I'm really looking forward to it to
I've been recording my Mum's first CD. She's 76 years young and singing like a baritone canary.
This is going to be the cover!! Waddaya think?
Jessica Paige( my daughter and second eldest child) and Joshua Romig came in yesterday and did backing vocals and we had a great time together.
I'll be posting snippets of it in the days to come.
In early March I'll be going in to record lead vocals on my next CD called Blind Fingers. I'll let you know how that goes too.
thanks for reading


Steve Romig